New illustration for my next exhibition. Work in progress… Error happened.
T shirt under construction
The collection is coming soon… Error happened.
Heart & Robots
New illustrations : Error happened.
Projet of T-shirt for Canabeach and Ikkone.
Error happened.

A Look Back: Cannes Silver Lion with Leo Burnett Belgium
Discover the story behind the 2007 Cannes Silver Lion-winning campaign with Leo Burnett Belgium, including my role in layout and character design for the project.
In the space…
View from space, just before the town… (Not realistic, just for test shader). Error happened.
Town. Next steps.
Error happened.
WIP 3D building “work in progress” light in town.
It’s going to be finish… I’ll start the futuristic animation… 😉 Error happened.
WIP 3D building “work in progress” lighting
Error happened.
WIP 3D building “work in progress” horizon rendering
Test for the background Error happened.