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Graphic, News, Video

Video from “Behind the Hero” (world tour) Barcelona exhibition.

Voici une vidéo de l’exposition “Behind the Hero” qui à actuellement lieu à Barcelone et plus précisément à Sabadell. Au programme, Guerrilla Marketing dans les rues de BCN, live painting lors du festival Embassa’t avec Yumiko Sakura (JP), Troa (BE), 13 pulsions, Treze (Spain), et myself. Au programmes groupes de tout horizons et origines, …

Award, Event, Press, Illustrations, News, Video

Our Next Versus’s exhibition ! @ Libertine Supersport 19 dec !! + New illustration and Video.

Versus and I just finished this last illustration for our next exhibiotion @ Libertine Supersport the 19 Dec and Sponsored by Perrier. I also directing this new trailer for the exhibition: This picture is made by me and Izemo vs Jeremy Belly vs LePlusMacho. There is also many crazy dj for this line up, and …

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