Showing 7 Result(s)
New photography website tomer oz photography portrait stunt man actor holliwood
At Work, Fashion, photography, Travel

New photography website !

Hi! My new photography website is online now and visible on : So yes, it’s the “news” season! My new portfolio/website for photography is finally on air! Many new artworks and works will come up soon on this new website channel! From portrait to fashion, passing by my Fuji travel diaries, many contents will …

sexy pixel panties butt ass 8 bit video game first underwear
Fashion, Graphic, I Like

Pixel (sexy) panties, for women… and man.

They are two designers based in Lisbon, Portugal, and they invented the world’s first 8 bit underwear…

Pixel Panties !

Made with squares, fit for round bottoms!

They launched a crowd-funding campaign to help them finance their project, and they’re counting on you to tell to world about Pixel Panties !

They are counting on you to turn these 8 bit butts into a HD reality!

Sneakers, Alain Mukendi, Superstar Gold 24 carrat, TV show, Jordan Celtics, DJ Daddy K
Fashion, Graphic, I Like, Video

Amazing Sneakers custom “Superstar Gold” by Alain Mukendi !

Here an interesting concept of TV Show ! After “Pimp my ride” from MTV with Xzibit, discover “Sneakers” ! A interesting TV show concept, where the belgian artist Alain Mukendi invite you to design your own Sneakers ! In this episode you can discover Alain and his team, working on 2 different shoes customization. One Jordan …

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