It’s not the final version yet, But this is a gig of the visual we made for our next big exhibition. With Lisa Carletta, Denis Meyers, Leplusmacho, Los Hermanos, Eledone, Hero and Jeremy Belly. The poster is made in real size, with real material (not numeric i mean). Fabric, acryl, China Ink etc. Hope to …
A little bit of Hero’s Manga Style.
I didn’t talk yet about my big travel in asia. Because i didn’t find time yet. Just in few word… A-M-A-Z-I-N-G !!! Ok… It’s only one words. A client of mine ask me recently to make a character design for his society and for a Web Marketing Event. I just answer him by : “Ok, …
My interview at Fiff Festival of Namur. I know i am not good as this exercise (interview), But don’t forget to have a look at the video clip ! 😉 Error happened.
Vote for me !!! “Dazed 1971 Contest”
I did this small creation for a contest of T-shirt for Dazed. Some words about my illustration : ”Feed me with 71’s design !!! The Funky-Yummy monsters’s are tripping on the dance floor !! 71′ s the year of the Ford Mustang 1971, the stones were already on the scene, the Jackson Five was making …
Hero @ Café Capital Anvers “I love bar Jeudi” THURSDAY 16 JULY
I’ll be there with some photography i create with Laetitia Bica for my t-shirt collection, “Guest Star” a picture of 150X60 cm I’ll also make some projection for the party. More info on : Or : See you there ! Hero, Error happened.
Héro and Versus Crew at Church Gesu. Vidéo By Ben Baudson
Versus Was again in the place in the last big event organised by plastic Crew. With more than 7000 visitor at the Gesu Church !! Dj Hell Etc.( you can see many things about it on this blog). This video is directed by Ben Baudson and you can easily feel the mood of this big …
Balimurphy talk about the clip.
It’s a small part of the interview : (…)”Votre premier clip, Le totem du progrès, surprend beaucoup car il n’est pas dans le visuel de BaliMurphy… C’est fait exprès, on a choisi Olivier Dressen car on aimait beaucoup son univers très coloré. Notre musique est à multiples facettes. On a des côtés plus nostalgiques et …
versus project interviewed @ TV bruxelles for GESU CHURCH’s Exhibition.
Versus Project interview for TV Bruxelles. Denis Meyers is talking for the crew. Versus Project interview for TV Bruxelles. Denis Meyers is talking for the crew. Error happened.
Ma prochaine exposition aura lieu à Liège.My next exhibition in Liège.
En effet, St Luc rend hommage aux anciens élèves en organisant une exposition de ceux ci. Quelques artistes y seront présent dont : Mike Latona, Sophia Boubolis, Bertrand Leonard, Nicolas Chaput, D.mathieu “Jaba” etc. J’y exposerais une vidéo “sexual invasion” (HEro VS Izemo) et 4 autres images dont deux versus avec Lisa Carletta et Eledone. …