
Press release about my work in 3D.

[((/blog/public/images/event/.Blenderissue15_m.jpg|blender 3d hero art magazine))|/blog/public/images/event/Blenderissue15.jpg] I spoke about my 3d work in a special animation issue in Blender Art Magazine. Extract from Blender Nation article : “This issue covers animation basics and beyond with a variety of articles and tutorials that will help you take your animation from Okay to Wow!

Award, Event, Press

21 Marsh 2008 Hero’ video @ Los Ninos Party

23:00:00 – 00:00:00 : Jean Baptiste Biche (Brussels (Belgium)) – dj 00:00:00 – 00:30:00 : Black Peter Group (New York (USA)) – concert 00:30:00 – 03:45:00 : The Voracious (Prague (Czech Republic – CZ)) – dj 03:45:00 – 06:00:00 : Tvyks ”(Prague (CZ)) – dj 23:00:00 – 02:00:00 : Hero (Brussels (België/Belgique – BE)) – …


Movie from 2005

[pro-player][/pro-player] Les dictateurs “Les dictateurs” : A short I have directed in 2005 for a Berlin’s group anti-war, Freedom2speack[pro-player][/pro-player] Les dictateurs “Les dictateurs” : A short I have directed in 2005 for a Berlin’s group anti-war, Freedom2speack Error happened.

Award, Event, Press

Hero design an Dark Vador’s Helmet for Star Wars exhibition.

I just received an Dark Vador’s helmet for the Star Wars exhibition. I’ll design/custolmise it for a very special event in the Star Wars exhibition. Many artist will design their own helmet for this event. See you at the exhibition or in the different Star Wars exhibition over world !!! I go to buy some …

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