Everybody speaking about that ! Go and vote for the new fubiz Award 2012 ! http://www.fubiz.net/2012/01/28/fubiz-awards-animation Error happened.
Happy New Year 2012
Wish you a New year as good as my latest film Wednesday ! Error happened.
New tricks about lens, composition,DOF and camera angle.
Very usefull for the rookiest. Error happened.
Tripod Tricks !
Everything is in the vidéo : Error happened.
The New Final Cut X…upgrade or downgrade ?
It seems than they killed it… The new downgrade of final cut pro, looks more than a pro version of imovie. For other similar exemple, I am just afraid than apple let more and more behind his first public; …Professional users. Error happened.
Visual domain “We Want You !”.
The next Visual Domain (Graphic Battle) is invited by the Association “Qui dit mieux?” And will be for this occasion at Place Flagey this 17 june (start at 19H00). La prochaine Visual Domain (battle graphique) aura lieu place Flagey ce 17 juin à partir de 19H00. Pour cette occasion spéciale nous sommes les invités de …
China On a Plate (TV Show Worldwide Credit)
http://vimeo.com/24269697 This is one of my latest work I directed in China. Error happened.
My lecture at Pecha Kucha.(Anima 2011)
I was invited by the SACD to give a lecture at Anima 2011 (Belgium animation Festival). My talk was about the connection between Still frames (Illustration & Photography) and motion design. Error happened.
My last advertising for Vittel.
The making off is here : Directed by Seb Rekorder. Error happened.