Versus Project interview for TV Bruxelles. Denis Meyers is talking for the crew. Versus Project interview for TV Bruxelles. Denis Meyers is talking for the crew. Error happened.
Ma prochaine exposition aura lieu à Liège.My next exhibition in Liège.
En effet, St Luc rend hommage aux anciens élèves en organisant une exposition de ceux ci. Quelques artistes y seront présent dont : Mike Latona, Sophia Boubolis, Bertrand Leonard, Nicolas Chaput, D.mathieu “Jaba” etc. J’y exposerais une vidéo “sexual invasion” (HEro VS Izemo) et 4 autres images dont deux versus avec Lisa Carletta et Eledone. …
Eledone Versus Hero. illustration.
This is an illustration we made together, Eledone and me. It was for the Gesu exhibition at Bruxelles. (More than 7000 visitor). This picture is our vision of Marie, The mother of Jesus. Eledone first drawed the picture. We printed the illustration on Photopaper, i finally draw the “octopus baby” directly on the photography, with …
My interview For Blender © on A russian Wiky like’s site.
I made this interview some year ago. The Blender’s Crew asked me to make a kind of making of about my work in 3D. I explain on few producion, how I proceed for create my animation. I found randomly this interview on a russian website. If you understand russian… Funny. 🙂 Error happened.
Look At Versus Crew LIVE PAINTING. (VIDEO).
Here you can Watch us Painting at our last exhibition for PLASTIC at GESU CHURCH : OR CLICK HERE ! It was a huge exhibition, with more than 4000 peoples ! And artist like : DJ Hell, Denis Meyers, Los Hermanos, Izemo, Hero aka Herographics, Lisa Carletta, Laetitia Bica, and more….::enHere you can Watch …
My latest Video clip Balimurphy for MCM Now Online !
Here my latesty video clip I directed for the Band Balimurphy : Error happened.
Plagia Saga episode One.
This story first start for a photoshoot by Laetitia Bica, and the stylist Jean Paul Lespagnard. I was model on this shooting as a strange super hero with my strange wonder catwomen. This picture was at the begening created for a magazine from Belgium Victoire magazine. But, for some reason, this picture was censored by …
Hero and La redoute “Plagia” ???
Someone send me this link on my mail few days ago. This is a model of t shirt created by “la redoute creation”. It reaaaaallllly look like a model I create last year first for myself, and after for a t shirt company based in France. Here, the version of “la redoute creation”. La redoute …
Versus Project @ Gesu Church. Big exhibitionVersus Project @ Gesu Church. Big exhibition Error happened.
Personnal Novel “vrai”
Envie d’écrire des vrais trucs. De vraies histoires. Avec de vrais mots. Mais pas des trucs de pseudos réalités. Ni même avec la mention “inspiré de faits réels”. Juste de vrais mots, sur de vrais instants. Comme des Iku spontanés. Ou simplement une succession de Polaroïds encore frais. Alors une petite histoire improvisée : Sur …